November 2024
11 young people are the authors of a new book
at Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget)
There are 11 of us who have used drugs, run away,
had eating disorders, used violence,
committed crimes and attempted suicide
We have been locked up, held down,
forcibly medicated and been moved around a lot
This book has been written to help
more children and young people
get help that helps them, to have lives worth living
We have to be met as people who need safety
Without safety, without a chance
Each of us has cost the state millions of
Norwegian kroner every year
At the same time, we have lost precious time in our lives
Much of the help we received created damage in us,
both then and later in life
Without safety, without a chance
The book provides clear solution proposals
based on answers from CF’s surveys
It provides valuable advice on how to
meet young people in vulnerable life situations
It is written for politicians, authorities, managers,
professionals and students
When we felt safer, we could accept help
and have lives worth living
See, browse and buy the book here: https://www.universitetsforlaget.no/uten-trygghet-er-vi-sjanselose-1