October 2024
In Norway, the Parliament invites to public hearings. To participate, organisations like Changefactory (CF) must apply for a place 🔖CF is an organisation that works to collect experiences and advice from representative groups of children and young people, about systems they have experience with. We summarise this as “knowledge from children”. This knowledge is presented by Pros (young people) from CF, in the hearings☺️❤️
In recent weeks, there have been hearings about the state budget for 2025📊Pros from CF have explained their point of view, and given input, from children and young people who are affected by the budget👏🏼 This has been well received, and after the hearings the young people were asked questions, both verbally and in writing 🤩
CF uses the public hearings as a way of helping Norway follow the UNCRC, which says that when decisions about children (under the age of 18) are to be made, the decision-makers must have spoken to *representative* groups of children and young people to whom the decision concerns❤️🔥Therefore, CF always gives input based on answers from children and young people regarding the matter, and make sure that enough children have been spoken to🥰