October 2023
The conference is now over – THANK YOU to so many interesting speakers for sharing exciting work and ideas! Changefactory had the pleasure of sharing two films that were received and viewed with great interest.
In the two films young people (named as “Pros”) present experiences and advice summarised as knowledge from children about the systems made for children. Professionals, researchers and other contributors also take part in the films:
FILM 1: The idea centres around the importance of how a country needs enough knowledge from children, in order for the authorities to make good decisions concerning children and how researchers can play an important role in ensuring this. The film also presents advice to researchers on how to do this in ways that make it feel safe and important for children to give their honest advice.
FILM 2: The development work, MY LIFE 2013-2021, involved collaborations between professionals in mental health services, child protection services and schools all over Norway and Pros in Changefactory. The work aimed to develop a practice that makes it possible for more children to speak honestly about the most important things professionals need to know in order to be able to collaborate with children about solutions tailored to each child’s individual life.
Including and taking the knowledge from children seriously is crucial in order to make systems made for children helpful and safe.