August 2023

Bergen Exchange is a “meeting place for scholars and practitioners from across the globe who seek to understand how law serves as an instrument of change, and how it shapes and is shaped by power relations”. The 2023 event was arranged 14-18 august, in Bergen ❤ Dania and Marit were invited to a dialogue together with (among others) the wise professors Tarja Pösö from Tampere University in Finland and Marit Skivenes, University of Bergen/DIPA.

The dialogue was on how, even though children have a fundamental right to participate in matters affecting them according to the Child Convention, research and reports from children themselves demonstrate clearly that children do not participate as legally prescribed. Why? Changefactory presented knowledge from children saying adults have to learn about all the benefits of sharing power with children, when making decisions for one child and for children as a group!

Group Image from Bergen Exchange 2023
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